Oakamoor Parish Council has a wide range of powers and duties within the boundaries of the parish. These include considering applications for planning permission, issues relating to footpaths, hedgerows, bridleways and rights of way.

Members of the Parish Council

The members of the parish council are unpaid volunteers who normally serve for a term of 4 years. At the end of their term of office the parish councillors may seek re-election or decide to stand down. The administration of the parish council is managed by the Parish Clerk who holds the dual role of secretary and treasurer to the council. The Parish Clerk is Mrs Carmen Worthington and can be contacted via email  oakamoorparishcouncil@hotmail.com or telephone 07590 536753 Monday to Friday.


The Parish Council meets on the 1st Monday of each month excluding Bank Holiday when meetings will be held the following week. Notices of forthcoming meetings are displayed on the Noticeboard in the village, announcement on the Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/Oakamoor-Parish-Council-182991392447853/ and on this website. The meetings are held at Oakamoor Village Hall and start at 7.00pm.

The meetings are open to the public and there is an opportunity at the beginning of the meeting for people to raise issues, ideas and suggestions relating to the parish.

Planning Applications

The statutory Planning Authority for the parish is Staffordshire Moorlands District Council. The Parish Council receives notification of the planning applications and has a formal opportunity to comment on the proposals.

Annual Budget

Each year the parish council sets a budget and keeps financial records of the income and expenditure required to administer the parish.  This information is available for the public to view in person and in accordance with the Government’s aim to achieve greater transparency for ratepayers the information is also available on this website.