Degree of difficulty :- Medium

Length :- 2 miles ( approx )

Approx time :- 1 hour.

Start at Oakamoor Car Park (Public Toilets) on Station Road.

Cross the park over the river bridge, bear left, until you reach the Cricketers Arms.

Turn right, stay on footpath, past bus shelter, cross the B5417 opposite old filling station.

Head up the track to Cotton Dell.

Continue past the houses into the Nature Reserve through a gate ( usually open ).

The track crosses a bridge over the Dell Stream.

Continue up the track past a concrete footbridge on the right.

You will reach a junction, take the right fork, (yellow arrow) follow the stream.

Continue until you see a footpath signpost near the second footbridge.

Turn left and climb the Hundred Steps ( not sure if there are 100, but there are a lot ! )

Go over the stile at the top into a field.

Straight ahead across the field ( very steep uphill ) to a stile in the wall.

You are at Oulsclough Farm.

Straight across the track and up again through the wood following the wall.

When you get to the top you will find another junction, turn left. It is all downhill from now on !!

Proceed down the track, through a gate, down a gully with stone steps at the bottom.

You are now at Orchard Farm.

Walk down the farm drive to join Carr Bank.

Continue downhill past Alcove Cottage to Oakamoor Village.


Keep a lookout for wildlife. Foxes, Badgers, Woodpeckers, Jays, Heron, Dippers,Wagtails, Tawny Owls, Buzzards, Sparrowhawk, Wood Pigeon,

Spot some Trees. Beech, Ash, Oak, Elder, Spruce, Silver Birch.